About me
Diplom-Ingenieur & Architekt
An architect consolidates the central ideas of planning, building materials and rooms, and obviously also many different characters.
Our milestones
New building of 3 sports halls, tennis courts and football fields, on behalf of Arch. P.Pontiller
Geladener Wettbewerb für den Neubau einer Wohnanlage mit 80 Wohneinheiten
beginn of self-employment
digital work starts
invited competition primary school and gym, completion 1998
Innsbruck, Paris, Moskau, Sotchi, Harbin (China), Casablanca, Lublijana, Lemberg, St. Petersburg, Ekatherinburg
to China, Morocco, Madagascar
competition, 1st prize among 70 international competitors, project House For A Piano Player
invited competition primary school, nursery school and parish hall, Vals 2
new location, new spirit
additon of storeys House Museumstrasse, innovative wooden building project in city center Innsbruck
good architects are like wine, they get better the older they are
Our milestones